Jaqueline Frangis
Educational Evangelist and Elevate Educator Founder

Jackie's Accreditation and Credentials
Fordham University
Bachelors of Arts – Major : Italian Minor: Economics 1985
Masters of Science – Elementary Education 1996
Masters of Science – Educational Leadership 2000
United Federation of Coaching- Professional coach certification – 2015
Columbia University- Teachers College- Trained in Reading and Writing workshop
Orton-Gillingham Level II Trained - 2018
1995 Fordham University Full Scholarship Award Recipient - Masters of Science Elementary Education
NJPSA 2005 Golden Lamp Excellence in Educational Leadership Award Recipient
New York Principal certification and license SAS 2014
New York Teacher certification 1995
New Jersey Principal Certification and license 2005
New Jersey Teaching Certificate 1996
Jackie Presented At:
2019 NJPSA/FEA Collaborate Conference – Creating and Sustaining the Wonder of Learning in Early Childhood Classrooms
2019 Rutgers University 52nd Annual Conference on Reading and Writing: Making Comprehension and Fluency Visible K-3
2019 New Jersey Booksource Spring Luncheon – You’ve Got This! Developing Text Dependent Questions that Supports Deep Levels of Discussion K-8
2018 NJPSA/FEA Lead Conference – New Jersey Tiered Systems of Support – RtI on Steroids
2017 NJPSA/FEA EMPOWER Conference- Using Data Driven Decision Making in RtI to Support NJTSS
2015 NJPSA/FEA Innovate: Zooming in on Close Reading.
2014 NJPSA/FEA ENGAGE: Conference Administrator as Instructional Leader in Providing Differentiated Professional Development.
Jackie Sicari Frangis entered the education profession after ten successful years in private business. As a scholarship recipient from Fordham University, Jackie earned a Master’s in Elementary Education in 1996 and began teaching early childhood grades for eight years at a progressive K-8 school in northern New Jersey.
Her thirst for learning had not been quenched and soon after she completed a master’s degree in Leadership and Supervision from Fordham University.
Jackie has garnered recognition in Excellence in Educational Leadership from NJPSA in 2005 where she was awarded a Golden Lamp Award. The work that she conducted with researcher and assessment expert, Dr. Dylan Wiliam from the UK, on formative assessment positioned her to facilitate workshops on trending topics such as student led conferences, quality questioning techniques for teachers and formative assessment for the FEA- Foundation Education Association in New Jersey.
For the next ten years, Jackie Frangis led schools in educational reform as a school administrator. From increasing levels of student achievement, to providing differentiated professional learning for her faculty, and building partnerships with school and family to support student learning, she stepped in fully as instructional leader.
Over the years, Ms. Frangis has presented at the NJPSA/FEA annual state conference on a host of topics including, Administrator as Instructional Leader, Instructional Rounds-A Collaborative Protocol and Close Reading Strategies. The overwhelming positive feedback received from these workshops have led to subsequent workshops for districts around the state and in New York and Texas.
The NJEXCEL program, a division of FEA and a state approved Principal and Supervisor certification program, brought Jackie into the program in 2009 as an instructor.
On the University level, Jackie returned to her alma mater, Fordham University, to give back to the educational community as a field specialist mentoring graduate students enrolled in the Master of Science in Teaching in Early Childhood Education.Jackie was invited to join the Montclair University Graduate School of Educational Leadership team of professors to teach graduate courses for promising school leaders.
In 2016, Jackie launched Elevate Educators, a professional learning organization. Jackie believes in honoring and supporting educators to be the best versions of themselves with the highest quality of professional learning services and resources. “Elevating you to your highest potential” is Jackie and her team’s goal and purpose on this next leg of Jackie's professional life.
After years of learning about the Reggio Emilia Approach at Bank Street College, Jackie yearned to study firsthand about this "Experiential Education" grounded in the work of John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky. Subsequently in 2019, she travelled to Reggio Emilia, Italy and immersed herself in an in-depth study of this early childhood constructivist approach to teaching and learning. Jackie's ultimate goal is to provide U.S educators the opportunity to eyewitness and experience this approach in Italy. This study abroad program will allow for engagement, collaboration, reflection and the development of relationships with like minded professionals.
Jackie’s pastimes include travelling worldwide, outdoor cycling, downhill skiing, cooking and practicing yoga. As an education evangelist her unquenchable thirst for learning and sharing is limitless. Volunteering her time to help others actualize their personal and professional goals brings her great joy.
Jackie's Workshops

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Working With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
In order to address the specific language -based learning needs of English Language Learners, educators need to develop instructional skills to facilitate effective learning experiences that are culturally sensitive, support language development and are rigorous. Sheltered Instruction is the most widely-recognized research-based approach in the field of second language education and the theoretical cornerstone for this course. This methodology has also proven to be highly effective with all struggling learners, not just those for whom English is a new language.

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
MTSS: Instruction, Intervention, and Implementation Part 3
Part 3 "Sustaining Your MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Process with Grace and Grit” The power and promise of this process is dependent on strong collaboration and shared leadership focused on the MTSS process. This webinar will assist school leaders and others in their efforts to sustain a strong system of supports for students. Participants will consider identifying Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions as well as building a viable schedule including regular intervention times. Through selecting key data team personnel, schools will be able to increase educator capacity that will improve teaching and learning.

All Content Areas
Why are H.O.T.S so Hot for Teachers?
Higher Order Thinking/Questioning Skills
Shifting our thinking about the types of questions you want to ask your students will increase higher order thinking skills and make visible learning evident. In this workshop, learn how to model high quality questions, ask different types of questions (DOK Depths of Knowledge), that engages all learners, seek ways to foster questioning from your students, and practice developing high quality throughout your instruction

Integrating Social and Emotional Learning with Reading and Writing to Support Students in Expressing Themselves
We want our students to develop self-agency, communication and social awareness skills. SEL( Social and Emotional Learning) should be interwoven into our teaching and learning organically and systemically. In this workshop, participants will learn how to integrate the 5 SEL sub-competencies across reading and writing

Curriculum Instruction and Assessment
The Socratic Method: Using Meaningful Conversations in the Classroom
Discussion, now more than ever, is a valuable inquiry based practice allowing students to make meaning from their learning. This collaborative practice yields higher level thinking, increases student engagement, and reinforces powerful social-emotional skills. As teachers, we build safe classroom cultures cultivated in curiosity through the Socratic method. Rich classroom discussions doesn't just happen. They develop when teachers utilize the strategies found in the Socratic method.

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
MTSS: Instruction, Intervention, and Implementation Part 2
Part 2 "Building the Instructional Core Using the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Lens" This webinar will help you chart the course and navigate the MTSS process by applying principles outlined in the DOE Fidelity Implementation Rubric. Participants will focus on selecting assessments and universal screening tools, establishing data and leadership teams , examining data to determine students’ needs and curricular gaps and strengthening and fortifying the core and interventions in tier 2 and 3.

Lifting the Level of Student Reading/Writing Proficiency through Powerful Conferring
If we want to make a significant impact on our students’ reading and writing lives- conferring is where the rubber meets the road. It is at the core of differentiating instruction and that is vital for all students. Conferring with students, providing formative feedback and leaning in with a teaching move are powerfully effective and essential ways to bring about quality reading and writing proficiency in a individualized manner.

Practicing Self-Care through Mindfulness for Educators
The shift to distance learning has taught us that in order to thrive, teachers need to focus on how connected we are to our own needs and emotions. In this session, we will utilize reflection as a mindful practice to powerfully reclaim our time and energy both in and out of the classroom and develop a critical awareness of our emotions. Armed with this knowledge, we will identify tools to help manage our emotional world and identify practices that allow teachers to take care of themselves during these challenging times.

Being the Mindful Educator
The practices of mindfullness are being integrated in classrooms and schools worldwide. Research studies clearly indicate mindfulness decreases stress, anxiety and hostility while benefitting well-being, academic performance, and social relationships. Join us as we discover how contemplative techniques can be powerful tools in our professional and personal lives.

State Mandated Dyslexia Workshop for K-2 Educators
Learn everything about what dyslexia is and is not to understanding the NJ regulations and requirements of dyslexia as well as identifying the “look for’ , recognizing dyslexic behaviors and having a toolkit of interventions at the core instructional level will be thoroughly discussed

Zooming in on Close Reading
This workshop will provide the participants with close reading strategies to enhance deep levels of comprehension, communication and collaborations among students and teachers in grades K-5 and 6-12. By understanding the alignment of literacy standards and close reading strategies