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Our comprehensive repertoire of PreK-12th grade research-based workshops, demonstration lessons, and job-embedded coaching practices are designed to address solutions to your district’s needs and assist to achieve significant and enduring results.  


Our experts  create a climate of positive professional learning in varied settings which fosters a responsive coach and teacher relationship. This partnership leads to increased student engagement and achievement and improved teacher practice. From matching goals and priorities to coaching cycles, to identifying activities which have the greatest impact, our team honors teachers as co-designers of  their work. Our coaching model is aligned to the school/district’s priorities and is intentional, collaborative and carefully planned with key members of the school/district community.

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Areas in Supporting School and District Initiatives 

  • Calibrating the roll-out of a new initiative 

  • Facilitating  implementation of programs and frameworks

  • Identifying effective assessment practices 

  • Unpacking standards for unit and lesson planning

  • Data-mining to inform instruction and intervention  

  • Designing differentiated  centers and stations 

  • Creating an inclusive  learning environment 

  • Augmenting critical thinking skills 

  • Developing collective teacher efficacy structures and supports 

  • Providing quality resources 

  • Embedding strategies and scaffolds 

  • Guiding the implementation of high functioning PLC’s 


Supporting Professional Learning Communities 

Let us help you strengthen your PLCs.  Virtual or in-person, our consultants can guide  your team of teachers toward collective teacher efficacy where all teachers are collaborators and contributors working toward a common goal. Areas of focus include: 

  • Data driven informed decision making  

  • Student work analysis

  • Overcoming barriers 

  • Solution driven outcomes for specific groups of students 


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Personalized One-on-One Coaching 

  • Customized support in sharing tips, technique and tools

  • Coaching to increase competence and confidence

  • Safe space for open communication, troubleshooting, and receiving formative feedback

  • Partnership with teachers to measure progress and growth 


Cycle of Activities

  • Facilitating, coaching, mentoring, demonstration lessons, co-teaching, and in-class support

  • Tailored approach to meet your school/district's needs

  • Achieve lasting results with our extensive support


Schedule a call or email us today to learn more.


Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Let us help you build your PLC muscles, increasing your capacity for effective use of your time and resources.  For a really efficient approach, check out our cost-effective virtual PLC meetings.   Our expert coaches will partner with your staff and guide the process so that you achieve results.  Areas of focus and support include:

  • Data analysis

  • Student product review

  • Implementation of strategies learned in PD

  • Troubleshooting obstacles

  • Problem-solving for specific groups of students

  • Customize any way you like! For example, you may choose to have grade 3 teachers focus on writing while grade 6 teachers focus on social-emotional learning.

Networking Group

One-on-One Coaching

Do you have a few teachers who could really use more customized support? Wouldn’t it be great to have an expert “on call”?  Then, the convenience of virtual coaching is the perfect fit and can be scheduled to fit your needs.

 Our experts will help increase these teachers’ competence and confidence! Teachers will address their goals through virtual one-on-one coaching. Teachers will have a safe place to share their concerns, engage in troubleshooting, and receive actionable feedback.  Most importantly, teachers will partner with our coach to measure progress-both their students and their own.

© 2021 by Elevate Educators 

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