The effects of the pandemic continue to be felt across the country and the world. Educators are tasked with bridging the gaps in student achievement, administrators are tasked with hiring and retaining educators, all while the mental health crisis looms among us. How can we work smarter to provide students with exactly what they need to succeed?
New programs or curricula may not be the answer; look at how teachers are teaching in addition to what they are teaching. The tools needed may be in our schools or on our shelves, but how are we using them? Implementing an MTSS framework puts the pieces in place to ensure that all students are supported in their specific area(s) of need.
Who benefits from a MTSS?
Students who have not mastered a skill
Students falling below or well-below grade level expectations
Students receiving special education services
Students who are English language learners
Students who are gifted and talented
What do you see in a successful MTSS framework?
Curriculum Analysis
Universal Screening
Data-based Decision Making
Progress Monitoring
Are you interested in implementing an MTSS framework in your school or district?
Elevate Educators can assist you each step along the way! We are excited to announce that Mrs. Tatianna McBride and Dr. Jessica Hammond formerly of the New Jersey Department of Education and NJTSS State-Level Coaches will join our team of esteemed MTSS trainers and coaches. Both Dr. Hammond and Mrs. McBride have worked with multiple school districts, administrators, teachers, and academic coaches in providing ongoing technical assistance in the development of and implementation of the MTSS framework. For more information on the systemic approach to educating all students, please visit https://www.njtss-earlyreading.org/ and https://www.nj.gov/education/njtss/
If you have MTSS covered, take a look at Elevate Educators 2023 Winter/ Spring Professional Learning Brochure. We have added a host of new workshop topics that are engaging and exciting. These offerings are based on the feedback we are receiving from you and what the research tells us about supporting teachers in their instructional practices today. Please contact us at info@elevateeducators.com
