Positively Mindful Social Emotional Learning for School Leaders
K-12 School and District Leaders
The success of schools depends upon positive, effective, and stable leadership. This inspiring, engaging, and practical workshop introduces and explores mindfulness, positive psychology, and social emotional learning to school leaders. It is specifically designed for school leaders in actively learning and exploring a variety of research-based social emotional strategies and practices for use in their personal and professional lives, school communities, and classrooms.
A positive and collaborative school culture begins at the top and school leaders enhance these two important aspects through the development of their own social emotional skills, enhanced well-being practices, and present moment awareness.
In this workshop, school leaders will learn about the importance of optimism, compassion, resiliency, growth mindset, empathy, gratitude, kindness, confidence and self-efficacy in bringing out the best in themselves and in their teachers. In addition, an overview of the widespread use of mindfulness, the neuroscience supporting its use, impact on social emotional development, and a variety of practical and useful strategies to use in schools are introduced, explored, and developed