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Bridging the Gap: Integrating the Science of Reading within the Balanced Literacy Classroom

Kristen D’Anna

In the world of literacy education, The Science of Reading and Balanced Literacy are two approaches that have garnered much attention and discussion.  While many view the two as opposing forces, in reality effective strategies from each philosophy can coexist within our curricula and instructional practices to create a strong foundation for growing readers and writers.  Below we explore how to bridge the gap between these approaches and ensure students are provided the tools they need to succeed.

The Science of Reading is not a new educational trend; it's a paradigm shift in literacy instruction. Rooted in cognitive science, linguistics, and neuroscience, it offers a deep understanding of how reading and language development occur. This understanding informs evidence-based strategies that can significantly impact how students learn to read.

The Science of Reading provides valuable insights into the cognitive processes involved in reading acquisition. Studying the science of reading has enabled researchers to know what is happening inside the human brain as it acquires literacy skills. Following the science will allow educators to “see” inside the brains of their students and truly understand how well instructional strategies support reading development. 

In contrast, Balanced Literacy encourages a more holistic approach to instruction. It encompasses read-alouds, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, and writing activities. By integrating both whole language and skills-based instruction, Balanced Literacy aims to cater to diverse learning styles and needs. Balanced literacy proponents believe that engaging in regular reading and writing experiences promotes students’ love for language and nurtures creativity. 

The call for a shift  toward using evidence-based reading instruction is underlined by persistent achievement gaps in reading. National and international assessments consistently reveal that a significant percentage of students struggle with reading proficiency. In the United States, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reports that approximately 65% of fourth-grade students are not reading proficiently. 

Phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension are essential components that form the bedrock of proficient reading. By integrating scientifically-proven practices into our teaching, we ensure that students grasp the fundamental skills necessary to decode, comprehend, and analyze texts. Phonics instruction, for instance, lays the groundwork for word recognition, while a strong vocabulary opens doors to a broader range of texts and ideas. Embracing The Science of Reading doesn't mean abandoning other approaches; rather, it enhances the toolkit we offer to our young learners. Outlined below are five practical strategies for integrating The Science of Reading into the literacy classroom. 

  1. Phonemic Awareness Activities: Include daily phonemic awareness activities that focus on the manipulation of individual sounds in words. Activities like sound blending, segmenting, and rhyming can be beneficial.

  1. Structured Phonics Lessons: Implement structured phonics lessons that follow a scope and sequence, ensuring that students learn phonics skills in a logical and systematic order.Teach students the relationships between letters and sounds, blending, and segmenting skills.

  1. Decodable Texts: Use decodable texts that align with the phonics skills being taught. These texts contain words that can be sounded out using the phonics rules students have learned.

  1. Multisensory Techniques: Incorporate multisensory techniques, such as using tactile materials like sand or magnetic letters, to engage students in hands-on phonics practice.

  1. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Use assessment data to inform your instruction. Adjust your teaching strategies based on the progress and needs of individual students and groups.

In the pursuit of building strong readers and writers, the integration of The Science of Reading and Balanced Literacy offers a comprehensive and effective approach. By combining the insights of cognitive research with the richness of diverse literacy experiences, educators can create a powerful framework that equips students with essential skills and a genuine passion for literacy. 

Resources to Support Integrating Science of Reading into Classroom Practices: 


National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). (2021). The nation's report card: Reading 2019. Retrieved from

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